How to start gardening?

Here is your answer on how to start gardening at home with basic knowledge and easy steps, so read and learn.

Steps for starting Gardening and having your own home garden


Gardening is more than a hobby for some and for some its just a mere fun time pass but if you are serious on starting your own garden then you should take gardening very seriously.

So before starting your gardening journey just learn all about gardening as its important.

Reading Gardening related Stuff to gain Knowledge

I was very very lucky to grow up on a farm, so I saw my dad and my grandpa, making beds with a plow, lowering the seeds, covering the soil, and praying for good rain. I worked hard, as a child, not in the garden but in the farm. And what I learned about gardening from my dad is really helped me to get good with gardening and farming. 

Here is What I recommend you to do before starting gardening and starting your own home garden:

1. Read Books on Gardening

I spent many hours of the day at the library and bookstore frustrated by all the plants and opportunities. I ended up buying a copy of Taylor's Guides to Perennials & Trees My plant “bibles”.

So read some good gardening book.

2 Join Temporary gardening classes and conferences. 

I signed up for the Botanic Garden to get garden classes (short enough to fit my plan). I read about famous farmers and the types of gardens they are famous for. I also learned how to do the basics - circumcision, murder, divorce, etc.

3. Collect Good Farming and Gardening Magazine, Blogs

This has been my way of getting ideas for plants and the world. Reading gardening magzines will improve your knowledge.

4. Nursery & garden visit

The Botanic Garden was a great source of ideas, including the selection and design of plants. Nurseries (not large box office centers) usually have a few majors for staff who can answer all kinds of questions. Really good ones have weekend classes where you can learn simple things, like how to build a container or a water garden, how to plant shrubs, etc.

7 Steps to Home Gardening

 All you need to do is rub your hands a little. Many think that gardening is about digging the ground, planting seeds, and watching them grow. To be an effective gardener, you must understand all the necessary steps of gardening, home garden farming. You can start small and expand your garden as you gain experience.

Starting your garden is a step-by-step process. Let's start:

1. Get the Idea on gardening

It is important that you know what to plant in your garden. Will it be a flower garden, vegetable garden, or herbal garden?

2. Decide the location of gardening

In addition to soil testing, you need to make sure it is a place that receives sunlight for at least six hours a day.

3. Prepare Location for gardening

Prepare the soil for farming. Improve soil by adding compost, old manure, and a variety of other materials.

4. Choose Your Plants for gardening

In addition to your choices, there are many other factors to consider when choosing the right plants for your garden. It includes your soil type, climate, and the amount of sun your location has.

5. Buy the Right Garden Tools

Visit the farmers' supply chain and buy some essential garden tools. They make sure you work your garden properly or order directly from us.

6. Put the Plants Down in soil for gardening

Once you have finished with all the points mentioned above, now is the time to put the plants in the ground.

7. Take care of your garden

It is necessary to ensure that the seedlings you use are not dry. You water your garden regularly. Gardening requires a lot of time and a lot of your attention so if you are just okay with giving your time to gardening then you are good to go.

These are some of the best and the most easy gardening tips you must follow before starting your own home garden.

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